
Speech by M. Paz y Mino at the Humanist House in Oslo (Sept. 1st., 2008)

Dear Norwegian Fellow Humanists from the Human-Etisk Forbund,

It is both a pleasure and a honour for me to be here in the Humanismens Hus for a second time. The first one was in 2001 [because a meeting of the IHEU].
As a Humanist activist in Peru since 1994 I was able to found several Peruvian institutions including the Peruvian Journal of Applied Philosophy´s Publishing House Association (AERPFA), a member organization of the IHEU, the CIPSI-Peru or the Peruvian CSICOP, the Center for Inquiry-Peru, the Peruvian Non-Religious Humanist Movement, and the last and most important group, because of its goals, Rationalist Humanists in Peru (HURA-Peru).
So far our Applied Philosophy Publishing House has published 34 books including Spanish versions of 13 works by Finngeir Hiorth, one by Ronnie Johanson, one by Haftor Viestad [all of them from Norway] and 3 by Paul Kurtz (USA), and a paper by Kjartan Selnes [Norway] in our Humanist magazine Eupraxophia.
I left copies of some of our books in your library in 2001 and I am going to do the same today later including our latest publication, the Spanish edition of Paul Kurtz´s The Trascendental Temptation. A Criticism of Religion and the Paranormal.
The main goal of Peruvian Rationalist Humanists is to have as their members people who is born, or lives or has any relationship to Peru, and want to meet and understand the reality with reason and science as the fundamental basis, and trying to live with positive values, and therefore trying to be both the least irrational and as realistic as possible.
Since last June we are organizing video-forums with documentaries explaing the paranormal and religion with free attendance for the public. In the present month of September we are going to have 2 simultaneous video-forums in 2 different cultural centers belonging to friend institutions because so far we have not our own facilities for that.
Takk for meg!

Lic. Manuel A. Paz-y-Mino, Executive Director, HURA-Peru.

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